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   \ \_____\ \____/\ \_\  \ \____/ \ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ 
    \/_____/\/___/  \/_/   \/___/   \/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
OurCity beta 1                             16.12.2011  /

   Our City (working title) is an arcade driving
   simulator in the open world with RPG elements.
   The whole city is located on the island. The game
   is inspired by GTA and Driver games concepts. 
   A player can only move around the city in his 
   vehicle and will be completing a set of missions, 
   which are connected to the story line.

User manual: /_______________________   
____________/                       /
        /      Keyboard Controls:  /
       /_________________________ /
       F4         - toggle fullscreen (borderless window)
       arrows     - steering, braking, acceleration
       Num 4 2 6  - left, back, right view
       B          - handbrake
       R          - reset car
       J          - toggle hud
       esc        - pause, cancel
       enter      - confirm 
      Debugging functions:
       x          - toggle debug info / console
       c          - debug drawer (draws skins of objects)
       L          - log car position  (log.txt)
       O P        - cycle time of day
       t          - toggle traffic on minimap
       F5-F8      - camera modes, f5 chase camera, 
                    others free flight
       wasd       - movement of free flight camera
       mouse R    - angle of free flight camera
       F10        - skip mission
       /                          /
      /     Gamepad controls:    /
      left stick    - steering
      left trigger  - brake
      right trigger - accelerate
      A             - handbrake / confirm
      B             - cancel
      start         - pause

Contact: /  
________/    ourcity@mrq.cz